Birotary Engine

About The Project

This engine is the result of our effort to solve a request to create new lightweight, powerful and low vibration unit for an ultralight airplanes. The main request was high power/weight ration and low vibration.


The KNOB Birotary engine is a three-cylinder spark ignition piston engine. The engine’s three cylinders are arranged in a “star” at 120° angles and move within a rotating cylinder block. Its cylinder block rotates in a stationary case, in which the intake, exhaust ports and spark plugs are placed…

Birotary engine cut view

Advantages vs. Traditional Four Stroke Engines

Higher power-to-weight ratio of the KNOB Birotary engine comes both from significant increase of the power per unit of volume and weight reduction, primarily from the following three design features…

Diference and Advantages to The Wankel Engine

Birotary Engine

The KNOB Birotary Engine concept solves the shortfalls of the Wankel engine and other rotary engine designs. The major difference is superior sealing the combustion chamber of the KNOB Birotary engine.


The prototype of the Birotary engine described on this page is the first functional sample which was created in 2017. From that time we made a huge progress and innovations so the information here are not in this time 100% actual, but the core of the conception stayed unchanged.


Engine simulations were performed using GT-SUITE software. Two versions of the engine were simulated, a variant with narrow valve timing parameters, designed for aircraft application and a variant with wide valve timing parameters designed to maximize the gain of potential of the engine.


The engine prototype was tested on a dynamometer. The objective of the first tests was to verify the fundamental functionality of the concept, particularly our innovative sealing solution, and clarify basic development questions. The prototype tested the overall design, oil, fuel and cooling systems, and ECU settings.

New Patents

New patents for Birotary engine are owned by Václav Knob!

Old Patents

Old Birotary patents are owned by Knob Engines s.r.o.

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