We are excited to share that we have successfully completed the camshaft balancing procedure for our range extender. However, it’s important to note that we encountered some challenges, and the process wasn’t entirely seamless.
The camshaft posed a significant balancing challenge due to its small size, lightweight, and inherent imbalance. Initially, we attempted static balancing, similar to the crankshaft procedure, but its complex shape and dynamic imbalance made this task far from straightforward. Additionally, the inclusion of an automatic decompressor further complicated the balancing, adding another layer of imbalance.
Despite these hurdles, we managed to achieve a satisfactory static balance by adding weight to the opposite side of the automatic decompressor and grinding off some material from the cams. The end result showed noticeable improvement, as can be seen in the video below.
While we had hoped to conduct a dynamic balance procedure, we were unable to find any company capable of handling such a small and light part. As a result, we’ve decided to proceed with the current setup and plan to make further improvements if necessary in the future.
Více informací o prodlužovači dojezdu a prototypu naleznete na této stránce.
Thank you for following our journey, and stay tuned for more updates as we continue to refine our range extender.