Hybrid EVs: The Next Step in Sustainable Transportation

Our innovative motor-generator seamlessly transforms electric cars into powerful hybrids, ensuring uninterrupted mobility even in challenging scenarios. Experience the future of electric vehicles with our reliable and compact solution.

Car integration

Our vision of the future for electric vehicles is an innovative approach that seamlessly integrates our motor-generator into the existing structure of electric cars, effortlessly creating a simple yet powerful hybrid version. We’ve carefully considered scenarios where accessing charging infrastructure may pose challenges or where unexpected circumstances, like natural disasters, temporarily disrupt traditional energy sources. In these moments, it’s vital to have a solution that keeps you on the road.

EV Chasse

Our patented motor-generator offers the perfect combination of unique features and compact design, making it the ideal choice for integration. Whether discreetly nestled within your car’s trunk floor or seamlessly incorporated into the bumper, our technology ensures your mobility remains uninterrupted.

Our innovative motor-generator solution is a reliable answer to today’s evolving transportation needs.

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