Advantages of Replacing ICE with Range Extenders

In recent years, the aviation industry has seen remarkable advancements, with a growing emphasis on eco-friendly and efficient alternatives to traditional combustion engines. One such innovation is the adoption of our range extender technology in ultralight aircraft. Our range extender offers several advantages, including low vibration and easy integration into existing aircraft design. In this article, we will explore the key benefits of replacing conventional engines with our range extender.

Low Vibration

One of the primary advantages of our range extender is the substantial reduction in vibration compared to traditional combustion engines or other range extender solutions. Traditional engines are known for their inherent vibrations, which can be uncomfortable for passengers and pilots and may require additional components to mitigate this effect.

Similar Installation Dimensions

Our range extender is designed to be compact and versatile, making it suitable for easy integration into existing aircraft designs. In many cases, they can be retrofitted into ultralight aircraft without the need for extensive modifications to the airframe. This similarity in installation dimensions allows aircraft manufacturers to upgrade their existing fleet with range extenders seamlessly, reducing the time and cost associated with the replacement process, making it a convenient choice for manufactures looking to modernize their aircrafts.

Improvement of Electric Planes and Their Limitations

While electric planes represent a promising step towards sustainable aviation. They face challenges related to limited range and increased weight due to current battery capacity constraints. Our range extender eliminates these limitations and significatly improves the usability of electric aircrafts, making it an attractive solution for extending the capabilities of ultralight aircraft.

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